Junko Otani




2004年Marco Fiorindo国際コンクール第1位、2001年日本管打楽器コンクール最高位、2000年日本クラリネットコンクール第3位、1999年日本ヤングクラリネッティストコンクール第1位をはじめスイス・フランス・日本の数々のコンクールにて上位入賞。フォンテックよりパトリック・ジグマノフスキー氏とのデビューCD「わたしのお気に入り~フランス音楽集~」をリリース。大谷淳子サロンコンサートシリーズを日本で定期的に企画している。




She is a clarinettist with the Basel Symphony Orchestra and also plays regularly with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich and the Zurich Opera House.

Junko Otani was born in Tokyo and has lived in Switzerland since 2001. She studied in Tokyo (Shigeru Ikushima), in Paris (Michel Arrignon) and in Geneva (Thomas Friedli) and won several international competitions as a soloist, among others in Italy, Switzerland, Japan and France.

From 2005-2007 she was an academician at the Zurich Opera House, then principal clarinettist of the Biel Symphony Orchestra, principal solo clarinettist of the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra (NW), bass clarinettist of the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra and E-flat clarinettist of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich.
First experiences with the Alexander Technique in 2006. The success and positive effect of this technique on her clarinet playing and her personal well-being led her to complete a 3-year course of study at the AlexanderTechnique Teacher Training Centre in Zurich, from which she graduated in 2012. Since then, she has been teaching both the clarinet and the Alexander Technique to other instrumentalists with passion and creativity.

At SOMAK, in addition to teaching solo repertoire for clarinet, she also prepares students for auditions for orchestral positions, both for clarinet and for E-flat and bass clarinet. With the help of the Alexander Technique, students can also learn to deal with the challenges of audition situations in a controlled manner with the aim of being able to give their best performance at the decisive moment without nervousness, stage fright, concentration difficulties, physical discomfort or external influences having a negative effect.

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